Are you passionate about political activism and eager to make a real difference in society? If so, you'll be excited to learn about a game-changing organization that is revolutionizing the way individuals can get involved in shaping policy and bringing about change.

Imagine being part of a community that is dedicated to educating and empowering citizens on the importance of leveraging their voice to influence governmental decisions. This is where Article V Taskforce shines.
Steps for desktop activism
Get organized
· Get a list of your local representative’s contacts. That includes State legislators in senate and house and the leaders of the statehouse senate and house as well as the attorney general’s office. Keep this list handy.
· Get on their mailing list to be informed of any meeting they may hold, and issues they are concerned about.
Get Knowledgeable
· Know what article V resolutions are active in your state. and can be good resources along with our FB page and the Article V Taskforce page
· Read the constitution! Find support at the
Get Active
· Put in your calendar your 15-minute time to contact your local representatives by phone or email.
· Be concise and respectful in asking for support of AV issues at hand and other pro-constitution measures.
· Remind them these are popular positions and appreciate their work in representing you.
· Develop a legislative network…begin with just one friend who might live in your neighborhood.
Success is achieved by doing a little...persistently!